As a husband and wife team, we work best side by side! All we need are our dogs & a cup of coffee. Sometimes our office is on the couch with our laptops, or maybe on the bed but wherever we are, there is usually two cups of coffee & two cute dogs! This office space has been a work in progress and still is, but it has come a long way! We still need ideas for the rest of the space, so if you have any suggestions, shoot us a comment down below!
We started off originally with this idea of one really long desk from Ikea that was connected. When we went into Ikea, things got overwhelming, the place is simply amazing and we could have bought a lot more (self control, self control, self control). We ended up picking these two desk tops and the “Alex” drawers and we’ve like them so far! There’s plenty of storage and the desk are huge!
When it came to the color scheme, we had no clue what to do. Originally, we bought very long gray curtains from Ikea that I loved, but they ended up being wayyy too long and Ikea is wayyy far away to go and switch them out in a weekend. So, we ended up at the Home Store and bought these teal curtains, which I actually hate lol. Still working on the curtain part! We wanted to keep it neutral since it’s a boy and girl office, but it’s turned out half pink and half black. We’re still working on that too, ha!
The chairs were bought from the Home Store as well and we hate those, too 🙁 They are so, so bad for office chairs. They may be cute, but they hurt, so we are on the hunt for actual office chairs that we both like. Dylan is really wanting these $600 (a piece) chairs & I’m not on board with spending that much, so we shall keep looking. Comfort & style is really hard to find. Especially, when you are style challenged like me! For example, when we moved in to this house, I had to hire someone to come in and decorate the entire place because I could not handle it. I can’t even decide on one thing. Thankfully, they were two of the sweetest ladies and when I came home from work one day, they had the entire place looking great!
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